Maple, European, Warm Stone
Acer pseudoplatanus
Other trade names:
de: Warm Stone Europäischer Ahorn, Warm Stone Bergahorn, Warm Stone Falsche Platane
en: Warm Stone Sycamore, Warm Stone European maple
fr: Warm Stone Erable blanc, Warm Stone Sycomore
es: Warm Stone Falso platano, Warm Stone Sicomoro, Warm Stone Arce blanco
it: Warm Stone Platano falso, Warm Stone Sicomoro, Warm Stone Acero fico, Warm Stone Acero di monte
Origin: Europe
Ecological: available as FSC 100% and controlled wood, available as PEFC certified wood, not listed on CITES
Usage: Furniture, musical-instrument making, Automobile and boat construction, Doors, yacht interior finishing, airplane interior finishing, Panels, interior finishing, Intarsia
Colors: Grey
Available cuts: Flat / Crown cut, Rift / Quarter cut, Peeled / Rotary
Available strengths: 0.5 – 0.6 mm

Tree Height: Up to 30 m
Bark: Pale and smooth, flakes when aging
Texture: Fine
Smell: Inconspicuous
Resistance: Very low resistance against mushrooms, low resistance against insects
Mechanische Bearbeitung: Good
Technical wood data:
Raw Density: 0.59 g/ccm
Compressive Strength: 46 - 62 N/mm²
Flexural Strength: 85 - 135 N/mm²
Shear Strength: 9 - 10 N/mm²
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Hochwertige Furniere
Direkt vom Produzent
- FSC & PEFC zertifiziert
- 10+ Mio. m² Furnier
- 100+ Holzarten
- 6.500 m² Lagerfläche
- 80+ Jahre Erfahrung