Poplar, Burl
Populus spp
Other trade names:
de: Pappal Maser
en: Poplar burl, Mappa burl
fr: Loupe de Peuplier
Origin: Europe
Ecological: not listed on CITES
Usage: Furniture, musical-instrument making, Automobile and boat construction, yacht interior finishing, Intarsia
Colors: White / White yellow
Available cuts: Peeled / Rotary
Available strengths: 0.5 – 0.6 mm

No strength to match? Please contact us.
Tree Height: Up to 35 m
Bark: Light grey to brown-grey, depending on the kind of poplar, smooth when young, lengthwise clefts when older
Texture: Fine
Smell: Inconspicuous
Resistance: Low durability, low resistance to fungi and insects
Mechanische Bearbeitung: Good
Technical wood data:
Raw Density: ca. 0,46 g/ccm
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